Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Glimpse Into the Future..

As the new year begins... a project nears the end...

It has been a little over a year now that I have been working on this current project.  Being able to begin a project while in the planning stages, before construction begins, is very rewarding in terms of being able to make substantial changes to a plan and implement ideas that would otherwise have been difficult to include.  Even more rewarding is to see the project evolve and to know that my client is just as excited about her new home as I have been in working together with her on it.

These few photos can give you an idea of what is to come in the final stage of completion...but the end results will be far more interesting and exciting to reveal and I look forward to sharing them with you...

Here's to a great new year for all...!


  1. Teri it looks wonderful... can't wait to see finished... love the ceilings, so high.. is this an old home? looking forward..

    have a wonderful 2013!



  2. Hi Kit,

    This is a new home... that we've added a lot of character to...!

    Happy new year!



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